Hear the Dead Speak-Old Cahawba

10/19/2013 00:00

Event: Hear the Dead Speak
Time: Saturday, October 19, 2013, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Location: Old Cahawba Archaeological Park
Cost: $6 per person
Event website: www.cahawba.com
Contact: Contact Old Cahawba at 334-872-8058 for more information
Info: “HEAR THE DEAD SPEAK,” A Special Walking Tour of Old Cahawba Archaeological Park.
Be an “above-ground archaeologist,” and discover messages in the Cahawba’s relic landscape that were left behind by the town’s long dead residents. This guided walking tour of Alabama’s most famous ghost town lasts about 45 minutes. Bring your walking shoes, camera and curiosity for this intriguing tour. For more information call 334-872-8058. (Note: this event is part of Selma’s Haunted History Weekend.)